Welcome to Slice of Disney! An awesome Disney theme park podcast. Every week, hosts Kelly Washington and Will Lentz bring the history, hidden mickeys, and magic of the parks to fans of Disney - whether you’re a Disney obsessed enthusiast (like Kelly) or more of a Disney cynic (like Will), this show is tailored for you. But how did we get started?
After years of going to the parks nearly every weekend, when the gates temporarily closed in 2020, Kelly had an ears shaped hole in her heart. Never one to miss a moment to plug a podcast, Will finally got Kelly to sit in front of a microphone and share her obsession with those that are just like her. If we can’t go to the parks, why not bring the parks to you? Finding a balance between a self described ‘real life tinkerbell’ and someone who still hasn’t seen Wall-E (or Dumbo, or Toy Story 4, or…) has been half the fun - the other half has been building a community of like minded friends. There’s still space to jump into a doom buggy with us, so check out the show and let us know what your favorite rides are!